Monday, May 08, 2006

Speaking of Democracy

Winston Churchill once remarked, "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all others" (or words very near to that). In context, this means that Democracy is better than Fascism and Communism (or lesser forms of Socialism--all of which are often close buddies to Democracy: see Canada, Europe, and, yes, the United States as evidence).

However, Churchill's assessment of Democracy excludes the possibility of other forms of organization. In this case, I mean the anarcho-capitalism proposed directly by current scholars such as Dr. Robert P. Murphy, the late Murray Rothbard, and indirectly many more of the Austrian Economics ilk (e.g. Ludwig von Mises, Frierich Hayek, etc.).

Perhaps, as Thoreau said, "The best form of government is that which governs not at all" (Thoreau, "Civil Disobedience").

Before you dismiss this as radical nonsense (a reaction which your state-funded education has instilled within your very soul), consider that life--social, economic, political, personal, etc.--has improved whenever bold ones have led away from statism, whether that statism is in the form of absolute monarchy, fascism, communism, etc. Dare you ask yourself, why?

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