Friday, May 05, 2006

I Spin Out of Control

Lord, forgive me my trespasses, as I somewhat--but not completely--forgive those who trespass against me. You know what? I'll forgive them if they JUST STOP TRESPASSSING!

By the way, and in case you didn't know, this is the whole reason why Christians believe that Jesus was a necessary sacrifice. For those "Christians" who have been changed by Dan Brown and the Da Vinci Code, I must admit that I'm impressed. You're so freaking stupid that I never figured you for being literate in the first place. Good job on reading an entire book. Hey, it was crap; but at least it was a book.

By the way, there's a part of me that knows that this is out of line, but it's that wussy part of me that the masculine part usually pummels into oblivion. Seriously, if you think that The Da Vinci Code was, in the least, food for thought; then you are, at least, retarded.

P.S. Yes. I used the word "retarded," and I meant it as an insult. "To retard" means "to slow down." A "retarded" person is, thus, a slow person. So, if it bothered you, perhaps it's because the term hit a little too close to home. Or are you able to come up with a rational rebuttal?

I didn't think so.

Also, I know that this posting reeks of ad hominems. So help me, but I don't believe that the opposition deserves any better.

P.P.S. Be careful about responding if you haven't read the piece of trash from which Dan Brown plagiarized: Holy Blood, Holy Grail. On top of this, don't respond if you haven't at least read the Bible. On top of this, don't respond if you know nothing about Roman history and can't figure out that Constantine had nothing to do with the canonization of the Bible.


  1. Anonymous12:29 PM

    don't respond if you know nothing about Roman history and can't figure out that Constantine had nothing to do with the canonization of the Bible:

    I dont propose to know too much about Roman history,thats why i'am taking a class on it soon,anyway didn't constantine convoke the Council of Nicea in 325 to decide on which books would be allowed in the bible.

    P.s. the curious george w one was good

  2. Anonymous1:32 PM

    correct me if i'am wrong but didn't Constantine convoke the council of Nicea to sort out the bible?

  3. Suggesting that Constantine's convocation of the Council of Nicea and equating that with his being behind it and pulling its strings demonstrates an utter ignorance of how imperial politics and the Church operated.

    As emperor, Constantine acquired the traditional title of Pontifex Maximus. His having convoked the Council (as pontifex maximus) is more a tribute to that title and his political authority than it is to his involvement in doctrine. In fact, there is no evidence whatsoever that Constantine conspired with Church leaders to establish any dogma whatsoever.

    Dan Brown, on the other hand, writes as if Constantine called the Council into existence (which is false, since the Council was but an extension of one called previously by St. Alexander). He furthers this nonsense by adding that Constantine used his authority to force the Church's hand. Since Constantine was only a nominal Christian, this is downright silly.


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