While the picture below is clearly a hoax, I think it's important enough to point out that it's in-line with what governments recommend. They recommend that you carry pepper spray rather than a gun to fight grizzlies.
And when you're dead, they authorize the park service to send a guy in
with a gun to dispatch of the bear.
Dude, I think that you mean "their guns are vastly inferior to your guns."
ReplyDeleteNothing but a pronoun gaff.
Bears are innocent until proven guilty, so don't bring a gun when you confront one that hasn't had its due process?
ReplyDeleteSo read it its rights, dill weed.
Unless the bear has a gun, I don't see why an officer of the law needs to. Don't they get all kinds of training in unarmed combat? And where the hell is my other post, Mr. prounoun gaff?
ReplyDeleteAs the old saying goes, if you can't be witty, be difficult.
ReplyDeleteWhat other post?
It seems that, occasionally, my responses get lost somewhere after I type them. Basically, I wanted to say that you, Aristos, should have switched the words "their" and "your". Try it. It will make much more sense to a libertarian. Unless, of course, you have an Apache attack helicopter hidden in your backyard.