Sunday, November 02, 2008

I Know What the "F" in "FDA" Stands For

Somehow, the FDA claims to exist because it and only it can protect people from bad medicine (but not your love). This suggests the following: if the FDA disapproves, then it's bad. If the FDA approves, then it's OK.

Then why can't people sue the FDA for approving bad medicine?

The answer is simple. The FDA doesn't exist to protect the people. If that were the reason why it existed, then it would be accountable when it didn't.

If the FDA was a mere mall security company and it allowed burglers* to enter and exit with large amounts of merchandise, then that company would be held accountable. In the very least, it would be fired and replaced with a new company.

This is not true with the FDA or any government organization for that matter. When government organizations fail, we give them more money and power.

*In my original post, I left out the "r." It seems when I make typos, they're always ridiculous. Nice catch, Bob.

1 comment:

  1. If the FDA was a mere mall security company and it allowed buglers to enter and exit with large amounts of merchandise...

    I think the security company personnel could reasonably say, "C'mon! Five guys with bugles come in playing catchy tunes, and we're supposed to check their pockets on the way out?"


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