Saturday, August 04, 2007

Going to Africa

Mark wants to go to Africa. Specifically, he wants to go on a hunting safari. More specifically, he wants to shoot a lion.

"I'll tell you what, buddy," I said. "You get a full ride scholarship to college, and I'll take you hunting in Africa."

"Okay," He replied.

Unfortunately, he has no idea what college is, let alone a scholarship--remember, he just turned four--, so he had no idea that he had just made a deal with me that will take a full 14 years before it takes effect.

The poor kid thinks that we're going to Africa soon--really soon.

To wit, I was headed to the grocery store, and I figured that I'd bring Mark along.

"Mark," I called. "Get your shoes on and get in the car."

He came running with his shoes and a big smile on his face. "Are we going to Africa now?" He asked.

"Sorry, dude. We're just going to the store," I confessed. "We won't be able to go to Africa for a long time."

"Oh," he replied in a sinking tone to match his fading smile.

I decided on a compromise--I took him to the WalMart on 12 Mile road, but it wasn't enough to mend his broken heart.

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