Saturday, July 07, 2007

Lincoln Humor

I was reading the paper today, and I came across a quote so good that I cannot help but post.

Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?

It reminds me of another joke that I modified to be more historical:

What was the last think to go through Abraham Lincoln's mind?
A .50 caliber bullet.

1 comment:

  1. My mother made me take a picture standing beside a bust of Lincoln in DC. For irony's sake, she said.

    I tried to drown myself afterward out of shame. When that failed, I threw myself off of a bridge. Nobody would give me a match, so I couldn't burn myself to death after I survived the fall. Eventually I settled for eating a cookie and spouting random anti-Lincoln trivia all afternoon to torment my oppressors.

    But you should be honored--your SAGE teachings have stuck with me after all these three years. :]


Bill of Rights