Friday, June 22, 2007

Paris Hilton and Undigested Corn

Am I the only one who doesn't give a rip about Paris Hilton? Seriously, I don't think that she is news. If she'd gone to jail for, say, shooting someone (preferably another no-talent pseudo-celebrity), then that might be considered news.

Presently, the "news" about Paris Hilton fits into the same category as the "news" that I ate a lot of corn the other day, and it came out undigested. Hell, at least this latter story is one to which you can probably relate.


  1. Anonymous6:33 PM

    If one doesn't give a rip about something or someone yet takes the time and energy to write about that thing or person, is that hypocrisy?

  2. What I give a rip about is always having to hear about her.

    Like I said, it's in the same category as undigested food. Supposing I called you up everyday and said, "Hey, guess what came out today?" and then went into a lengthy description (mass, texture, specks of corn, etc.), you'd probably shout, "Enough! I don't care how well/unwell your bowels work!"

    That's all that I've done.

  3. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Paris Hilton? Isn't that a hotel in Europe? I heard something about the back door there.


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