Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Down With the Sickness

There are such things as absolutes, but most of our experiences are relative.

For instance, I feel terrible. My throat is sore, my nose can't decide if it wants to be stuffed up or runny, I've got a mild cough, and almost demobilizing lethargy.

On the other hand, I was able to go to another room while my wife watched Dancing With The Stars.

I could have been so sick that I could not have moved, and I would have been forced to watch that rubbish.

It reminded me a bit of what Groucho Marx said (I'll quote it, but it's probably at least partly paraphrased), "Television is very educational. Everytime someone switches one on, I go to another room and read a good book."

I guess it's true. There's a silver lining on every cloud, though from here it looks as though my clouds might be lined with mucus.

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly how you feel (or at least pretty close)... Get better, sir. :)


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