So the Earth's climate is on the rise. The problem is the cause and effect attitude taken by so many. In logic, the error is called post hoc, ergo propter hoc (after this, therefore because of this). What makes this error even more egregious is that we're not even talking about the climate change as an "after this."
Consider: the argument is that CO2 emissions have risen dramatically in the last 200 years and exponentially in the last hundred. During this period, there have been measured increases in the global temperature. The trend toward warming is not, however, in dispute. What's in dispute is that it has occurred "after" the increased levels of CO2, and is therefore the result of increased CO2 levels. This is how people see the global warming issue: that the climate was steady until factories and automobiles started spewing vast quantities of CO2 into the atmosphere, and that the climate has been warming ever since.
By Tuesday, even my five-year-old daughter should be able to find the flaw in this. That's when she's going to see Ice Age 2. The main conflict in this movie is the rapid warming of the Earth and the ensuing consequences. Think about it. The climate has been warming for close to 20,000 years.
Here's the problem with our CO2 (cause) and global warming (effect) scenario. 20,000 years BEFORE factories and automobiles produced mass quantities of CO2, back when "heavy industry" meant some fat guy fashioning arrowheads made out of stone, the Earth's climate warmed all on its own.
Scientists have long supported Occam's Razor when distinguishing between causes: the simplest explanation is the most likely. Now, given that the Earth's temperature has been warming for over 20.000 years and humans have been producing mass-quantities of CO2 for only 200 or so years, which is the more likely reason why temperatures today are a little bit higher than they were when they were first measured over a century ago: natural or human causation? The answer, of course, is that the most likely cause for global warming now is the same cause for global warming 20,000 years ago. When someone says that X is caused by Y, he should make sure that X came after Y. Otherwise, something else had to be the cause.
Nice example... though I heard the movie sucked (first one was good).
ReplyDeleteOK, the "Global Warming For Idiots" argument is: the global warming cycle has occurred before, therefore it is naturally occurring.
ReplyDeleteOnly problem with that argument is the assumption that all global warming cycles are the same. This is the first time humans have dramatically increased greenhouse gas levels in a short time.
My suggestion is to consider the science behind global warming. Notice the alarming changes that are occuring due to rapid climate change. Think about what the earth will look like in a century if the current warming trends continue.
• There is an estimated 400 billion tons of methane trapped in permafrost ice.
• An estimated 50% of surface permafrost will melt by 2050, and 90% by 2100.
• Methane is more than 20 times as strong a greenhouse gas as CO2-the sudden release of just 35 billion tons of methane would be like doubling the CO2 in the air.
Massive amounts of methane from melting permafrost ice will soon flood the air-far outpacing human greenhouse gas pollution.
• The effect of methane flooding the air is runaway global warming-this disastrous positive feedback loop has occurred before.
• Ocean bottom ice will start to melt-releasing some of the estimated 10,000 billion tons of methane trapped in it.
• A potential bottleneck for mankind-an existential threat to nations.
• The only solution is biological sequestration.
Recommended reading:
So, "anonymous," your main argument is that global warming is really freaking scary? Why do people always miss my point on this? I did not say that there was no global warming. I said that the globe had been warming for 20,000 years. All this methane data that you've cited does not speak to this.
ReplyDeleteYou're in luck. I saved a copy for the wife.
ReplyDeleteYou don't know me. You know my wife, Jen Peers. She’s often told me that if I’d experienced the joy of having you in junior high, instead of Mr. Really Old Guy (I think he went by a different name back then), I’d be conservative today. I reply that if you hadn’t gotten to her while she was at her most impressionable than maybe she’d have a soul. I tease; she’s got a wonderful soul and I’m a huge fan of it.
I’m digressing.
I feel that global warming is really freaking scary. Global warming is not just the earth warming on its own. The world temperature has increased exponentially in the years since we started producing those helpful carbon emissions. 19 of the 20 hottest years on record have occurred since 1980. That's not just a coincidence. Okay. So correlation does not imply causation. Fine. You sound like my statistics professor. And while you both have a point, this is not one of those cases. While I’ve been studying global warming for all of, um, a week and a half now and my entire repertoire is comprised of an article in Time Magazine and a lecture by Al Gore, I think I can confidently say that global warming is not some ruse blown out of proportion by sneaky environmentalists who plan on regulating industry in their sneaky environmentalist ways. If they wanted to regulate industry, they wouldn’t spend so much damn time crying about the environment. It just seems like a waste of time.
Environmentalists and statists aren’t resorting to lies. It’s true that our planet might not have much time left if we let global warming go to the wayside. But before we self-destruct, we can expect more hurricanes (was I the only one who noticed that they went through the Greek alphabet last season?), floods and droughts. And of course, there’s that attractive little problem of the polar ice caps melting. Let me know where exactly in Ice Age 2 that happens. It’ll be the part in which Florida, most of California, and sizable parts of China and India are covered by the rising ocean waters, displacing hundreds of millions. There’s a reason a whole slew of nations (don’t worry- it wasn’t us) signed the Kyoto Protocol, and it certainly wasn’t because they all favoured more regulations on industry. And with regards to scare tactics, well, perhaps if more people were a little more scared they would allow the proper procedures to go through. Combating global warming doesn’t mean that industry will be attacked.
Global warming isn’t the model for your pretty Latin phrase, a scare tactic or a bunch of lies. It’s real, and any reputable scientist will agree that it was caused by humans. X does imply Y in this case.
Okay. That’s only the beginning. I mean, give me a break; I’ve known about this madness for a week. Though, I am looking forward to Gore’s documentary; he turned out to be a much better speaker than I expected. He was passionate. And funny. He did, however, confuse a couple of The Federalist Papers (No, Mr. Gore, “people are factious by nature” is not from Federalist 51), but he was forgiven because he introduced himself as “The former next president.” That’s moxy. And I love it. Like I love sentence fragments. (I kid- I adore the English language like I adore Teddy Roosevelt. Which is to say- a lot.) You have to forgive me; it’s late and I’m not putting this through my regular rigorous spell-and-grammar-check channels.
Anyway, I’ll fight you to the death on this global warming stuff. Or, at the very least, until I get bored. I’m protesting the genocide in Darfur (in DC) on the 30th, so you’ll have my attention until then.
Ms. Jessica Loria
P.S. Jen has informed me that you will now methodically rip me to shreds, which I find to be simultaneously exciting and dreadful.
“He’s a big history and English,” she says. “You’d probably really like him. He’d like you too. He likes smart people who disagree with him.”
I wonder if she realizes that she just turned you into Jed Bartlet. Who, as it turns out, is definitely cooler than Jack Bauer. So, by the way, is Greg House. Did 24 win a Peabody?